+49 2262 91 3 41

Auf der Engelshardt 29
51674 Wiehl

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U&A GmbH - Static mixers, injectors, heat exchangers

Quality and testing

Production, Quality and Testing

We supply our Static Mixers, Heat Exchangers and Injectors in practically all obtainable precious metals and plastics in nominal widths between DN 3 and DN 2500 mm. 

Our products are manufactured in accordance with customer requirements at the facilities of our highly qualified contract partners in Germany with the following production authorisations: DIN ISO 9001, DGRL 97/23/EG, WHG § 19, AD-HP 0, Bureau Veritas, Germanic Lloyd, ÖN M 7812, § 14, BGBI Pressure Vessel Code, China Stamp, U Stamp, U2 Stamp, Det Norske Veritas. Almost no limits are set to other requirements.

This enables us to meet the highest quality and testing requirements. The manufacturing can be carried out accorsing to customers spacifications in any case. 

Send us your request with your technical requirements,
our specification data sheet will support you.

We look forward to your inquiries and remain, with best regards

+49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | +49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | info@uape.de


Logo U&A Process Engineering aus Wiehl
Injektor - Statische Mischer von U & A GmbH

1. Bedingungen am Flüssigkeitseintritt

2. Soll-Zustand am Austritt

3. Heizdampf

4. Werkstoff

5. Anschlüsse

Alternativ kann das Anfrageformular als PDF heruntergeladen werden. 

+49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | +49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | info@uape.de

Spezification Steam injectors /
Mixing nozzles

Logo U&A Process Engineering aus Wiehl
Injektor - Statische Mischer von U & A GmbH

1. Conditions at the liquid inlet

2. Nominal conditions at the Discharge

3. Heating steam

4. Material

5. Connections

Alternatively, the enquiry form can be downloaded as a PDF. 

+49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | +49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | info@uape.de

Heat Exchanger

Logo U&A Process Engineering aus Wiehl
Wärmetauscher - Statische Mischer von U & A GmbH
Heat Exchanger

Process data

Temperature [°C]
Physical state:
Flow rate [kg / h]
Density [kg / m³] 1
Specific heat capacity [J / kg K]1
Thermal conductivity [W / m K] 1
Pressure [bar] 1
Viscosity [Pa.s] 1
1 1) At medium temperature

Course of the viscosity

Produkt Viskosität [Pa.s]


Alternatively, the enquiry form can be downloaded as a PDF.

+49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | +49 (0) 2262 – 91 341 | info@uape.de

Questionnaire Static Mixer

MX Mischer - Statische Mischer von U & A GmbH
Plastic Mixer
Logo U&A Process Engineering aus Wiehl
Zeichnung - Statische Mischer von U & A GmbH
Steel Mixer with reduction
Gas / liquid
Capacity [m³/h]
Viscosity [mPas]2
Density [kg/m³]2
1 Specify the case of suspension / dust particle size.
2 In operations.

Mixed results

Operating conditions


Alternatively, the enquiry form can be downloaded as a PDF.